Healthy Food

          Eating right is one of the most important aspects of healthy living. A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve overall health. The healthiest foods are vegetables, fruits, cereals and seeds. In Genesis 1:29 is written: “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herbe bearing seede, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yeelding seed, to you it shall be for meat.” Also a healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories, is about eating smart and enjoying your food.

BENEFITS: stimulates heart health, reducing blood sugar, provides extra energy and vitality, they support brain activity, maintain the health of the skeletal system, represents anticancer foods, fight against viruses and bacteria, immunostimulatory, improve visual acuity, they have a cytoprotective effect( the shield that protects the body’s cells from everything that is toxic and harmful), protects the nervous system, they are rich in vitamins and minerals, their consumption contributes to the health of the skin, hair, nails; prevent aging; orange peel lowers cholesterol levels and take care of intestinal flora. Some of the foods used for this recipe can cure certain diseases if they are introduced into the diet for a long time.

AMAZING FOODS THAT BOOST IMMUNITYIngredients: aronia, sea buckthorn, honey, cinnamon, kiwi, forest horns, oranges, nuts, salted almonds, cock, fresh mint, fresh lemon – flavored thyme (Thymus citridorus), grated lemon peel, grated orange peel, butter and wafer sheets.

The secret of the tastiest and fluffiest muffins

healthy foodhealthy foodhealthy food


  • eggs- 12 pieces
  • butter- 360g
  • honey- 400g
  • flour- 560g
  • a pinch of salt (optional)
  • ½ teaspoons baking soda
  • a tablespoon of vinegar
  • vanilla essence

Beat the egg whites with a mixer with a pinch of salt, then gradually add the honey, until the egg whites become hard, stick to the target and become shiny. Place the yolks in a separate bowl and incorporate with the melted butter, which is gradually added, stirring evenly. The yolks are gradually added over the egg whites using a spatula, with slow movements from bottom to top. The flour is added gradually, using the same procedure as above, mixing with a spatula until smooth.

Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda quenched in a tablespoon of vinegar. For very fluffy muffins, at the end, after smoothing, you can mix the composition obtained at maximum speed. Then let the muffins cool for 30 minutes. After it has cooled, the composition is portioned into 5 bowls, where we can add separately: diced prunes, poppy seeds, ginger, pepper, large coconut flakes, or other components to taste.  Each bowl will have a main component, or a main component and a secondary one.

For example, for the poppy bowl we can add vanilla essence for extra flavor.  For the bowl of plums, we can add the orange peel or lemon peel. Put the dough in molds, greased with oil, then place in the pan and leave in the oven for 20-25 minutes, at 180 degrees, or depending on the oven, check, then try with a toothpick and if there is nothing left on it, the muffins are ready.  If the oven is older, you can also put a baking sheet in the form. Good appetite!

There is an ingredient that I have not encountered in other muffin recipes: roinita or Melissa officinalis, the lemon-flavored plant. Mellisa officinalis, can be used successfully in this recipe, being also a medicinal plant. The plant can be added fresh, or dried. Depending on your preferences, muffins can be combined with: mint, cinnamon, sweet rose petals, sugar-free chocolate, homemade grapefruit  jam with honey and ginger (used as a natural preservative), black raisins, chokeberry, walnuts and others.

If the quantities seem too large, you can start with the smallest quantities and  double or triple the quantity , as you wish. I increased the quantities 4 times. We started from the following quantities: 3 eggs, 90 g butter, 100 g honey, 140 g flour, a pinch of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of vinegar, vanilla essence.

Secretul celor mai gustoase si pufoase briose


  • oua – 12 buc.
  • unt – 360 g
  • miere – 400g
  • faina – 560g
  • un praf de sare (optional)
  • esenta de vanilie
  • ½ lingurite de bicarbonat
  • o lingura de otet

Se bat albusurile spuma, (cu ajutorul unui mixer), cu un praf de sare, apoi se adauga treptat mierea, pana ce albusurile devin tari, se prind de tel si devin lucioase.

Galbenusurile se aseaza intr-un vas separat si se incorporeaza cu untul topit care se adauga treptat, amestecand uniform. Galbenusurile se adauga treptat peste albusuri , utilizand o spatula cu miscari lente de jos in sus. Faina se adauga treptat, utilizand acelasi procedeu de mai sus, amestecand cu spatula pana la uniformizare. Se adauga 1/2 lingurite de bicarbonat, stinse intr-o lingura de otet. Pentru briose foarte pufoase, la final, dupa uniformizare, puteti mixa compozitia obtinuta la viteza maxima.  Apoi asezati briosele la rece, 30 de minute. Dupa ce a stat la rece, compozitia se portioneaza in castronele, unde putem adauga separat: prune uscate taiate cubulete, mac, ghimbir, piper, fulgi de cocos mari, sau alte componente dupa gust. Fiecare castronel va avea cate un component principal sau un component principal si unul secundar.

De exemplu, pentru castronul cu mac putem adauga esenta de vanilie, pentru un plus de savoare. Pentru castronelul cu prune, putem adauga coaja rasa de portocale sau de lamaie. Se pune aluatul in forme, unse cu ulei, apoi se aseaza in tava si se lasa la cuptor 20-25 minute, la 180 grade, sau, in functie de cuptor, se verifica, apoi se incearca cu o scobitoare si daca nu a ramas nimic pe ea, briosele sunt gata. Daca cuptorul este mai vechi, puteti pune si o foaie de copt sub forme. Pofta buna!

                      Exista un ingredient pe care in alte retete de briose nu l-am intalnit: roinita sau Melissa officinalis, planta aromata cu aroma de lamaie. Melissa officinalis poate fi utilizata cu success in aceasta reteta fiind si o planta medicinala. Planta se poate adauga proaspata sau uscata. In functie de preferinte, briosele pot fi combinate cu: menta, scortisoara, cuisoare, banana, petale de trandafir de dulceata, ciocolata fara zahar, gem de grapefruit facut in casa cu miere si ghimbir (utilizat ca conservant natural), stafide negre, aronia, nuci, s.a.

Daca cantitatile vi se par prea mari, puteti porni de la varianta cu cantitatile cele mai mici si dublati sau triplati cantitatea, dupa cum doriti. Am pornit de la urmatoarele cantitati: 3 oua, 90 g unt, 100 g miere, 140 g faina, un praf de sare, 1/2 lingurite de bicarbonat, o lingura de otet si esenta de vanilie.

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